Desalination cost per m3
- how costly is desalination
- how expensive is desalination
- how much is desalination plant
- how expensive is desalination plants
Cost of desalination per gallon!
Cost of desalination per litre
It’s the sustainable solution for water scarcity challenges, but is it financially viable?
With the global population continuing to increase, the demand for fresh water and the pressure on natural resources increases too.
If water consumption patterns continue on their current trajectory, it is expected that the demand for water will exceed supply by 40% in 2030.
While water covers most of the Earth’s surface, the amount of fresh water is limited.
Only 3% of all the water on our planet is fresh water, and only 0.5% is readily accessible. The remaining 2.5% is locked up in ice sheets, glaciers, soils, and the atmosphere, or it lies deep under the surface or is too polluted to be used.
The remaining 97% is salt water, which is extremely abundant, and through desalination can be turned into safe drinking water.
Reverse osmosis is the most widely used desalination method, although it comes with economic and environmental challenges.
Let’s explore the factors influencing desalination expenses and find out why it can be a valuable investment amid growing water chall
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